Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Pole Jam



I seriously feel like everytime I come to write in this thing, i'm exhausted. I guess that means i'm doing something right? Today is Halloween! The holiday festivities have offically begun.
     At dance class today, we were told to wear our costumes. Amy taught 'Spinner Pole - All Levels' and we worked on some very pretty spinner tricks. Toward the end I did a little freestyle, nothing spectacular but someone asked me to show them what a bunny looks like pole dancing, so I took the opportunity to do a little jam while rockin' my cotton tail.

The Girls Room, Irving students on Halloween!
     We took a couple pictures of the students with the teachers and then just the students...
Fellow students and our rockstar teacher, Amy Henderson + her hot dog, Mikey!

This is not a long post whatsoever, I am now retiring from my laptop onto the couch, where I will lick my wounds and try to rest my sore beastly pole muscles.
     Good night and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday Training with Tricia



Every now and then I like to hop to different locations that The Girls Room has to offer. My membership allows me to visit any location (Dallas, Frisco, Irving) as many times as i'd like per month. Today I decided to visit the Frisco location. This location is actually where I first was introduced to pole fitness, by a groupon of all things! I love me some groupon.

      Tonights class, 'Rockin' Pole - All Levels', was with Tricia! She is super nice and informative about anything fitness related. It is definitely a perk of having a membership to a legitimate studio where the employees know things that i'd NEVER know! While I was at practice, I made a point to record what I practiced for the day.

     In the video above, you'll see I practiced:

1. Back bend
2. One handed Sparrow3.
3. Cork Screw
4. Rock Star

     Now, that was exhausting. I definitely fell tonight, but it was bound to happen eventually. I got it on tape, but as IF i'm posting that! Haha. As far as new things I learned in class goes, we learned princess shoulder mount! I'm super excited. I got up successfully twice, it's a tough little trick. Frankly I am not very interested in learning regular shoulder mount, maybe i'm a pansy. Anyways...
       So after class, I decided to make me and my little bro a healthy dinner. I whipped us up some omlets with kale, cheese and mushrooms. Threw some black beans on the side, and viola. Get in my belly. Check it out!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Here's to new beginings!

Today is Monday! Boo. I certainly did not go to pole today. Before my break up, I would spend my Mondays exercising, then dancing, then cutting up all my vegetables for the entire week until about 12:00 AM. Now that I'm post break up, I'm allllll about doing what I want to do, because I CAN! Not that I was ever told what to do, but in a serious relationship there's always (at least for me) that sense of obligation, to be home around the same time and eat dinner and relax, etc. Now, I relax when and how I choose. Don't mind me, I'm just having a little party over here in my new singledom. :-)
With the new single status comes a new chapter in my little book of life and it's up to me to choose how it's spent. I choose to bust my ass, get in killer shape so I can excel in pole. I have to be smart in doing this so I don't burn myself out, yikes!
Tonight after going to the local Sprouts, I headed up to the nearest 24 Hr Fitness where I have a membership. My workout was pretty wimpy. 10 minute warm up on the treadmill, then 30 minutes of weighted crunches, toe touches, pikes, weight machines (arms, abs, thighs) and 30 minutes of intense interval training on the elliptical. I was sweating and had my heart rate up, but for some reason I just don't feel the same satisfaction unless I do a class provided at 24 (cycle, turbo kick, body pump..).
Although I'm not in love with my work out this evening, I did certainly cook up a storm...


 I made smoothies (kale & strawberry) for the next two days, as well as salmon and rice for lunch. For dinner I had some mighty sexy brocolli and salmon. And to answer your question, YES I am in love with salmon right now. It's a piece of cake and is fantastic for you.

 The rest of my evening now consists of a little laundry and then a long awaited good nights rest! Goodnight Xoxo

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A little love, a little hate.

Need I remind the people reading this that this blog is primarily to critique myself in my process of mastering my new art, pole fitness. Please share words or encouragement or tips!
     Friday night, I attended my first "Pole fitness- FUN" class! And of course, it was fun! CHEESE MUCH? It was a small class, which is always what I prefer. That way, I can get the teachers help or advice that much faster. Also, my friday pole class was at The Girls Room, Dallas location, which has the 45 mm pole. The difference in diameter can change your wimpy 'wannabe' trick into the real deal, no doubt.
     This clip below is half of what we covered in class.
What I Love:
- Well, you can see my whole butt basically, so that's lovely.
- My Rockstar (first trick, 0:05) is on point. Such a beautiful trick once understood how it's maneuvered.
What I Hate:
- Just going through a breakup the day prior (eat your heart out), I had gone drinking the night before recording this. So, beer pong is to blame for my lack of energy. Seriously, I had no energy.
     The video I've posted below is my  FreeStyle Friday routine! I recorded it on Saturday, because as stated above I had zero energy, and well, after you get dumped you just don't feel all that sexy, ya know? So, I decided to do myself and my pride a favor and wait till I re-grouped the next morning. Still, I was low energy. Because I drank Friday night too.. What? Don't judge me! :-)
Free Style Friday, October 26 2012
Kings of Leon "Closer"
What I Love:
- My constant flow of spinning moves. I feel that I often become intimidated when in front of the camera and pole dancing, so this was something I was really wanting to work on.
What I Hate:
- My lack of combos. I need to learn some new fluid combinations so I can brainlessly whip a few tricks out while giving myself time to contemplate a climbing trick afterward. Amy Henderson would say "Why you looking all quasimoto?!? Smile! Point! Breathe!"
- Overall posture.
- Repetitive combinations. Let's count how many water fall and back bend variations are in there, please... No, actually don't :-)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Freestyle Friday

So in the pole community (that I've recently fell absolutely in love with), one of our pole sisters has created a fabulous and creative way for us to display and practice our recently acquired tricks and combinations. The challenge is to do NOTHING planned before. Sounds cool, right! Oh it is! But I didn't do it :(

No wireless Internet available for me to download via iPad iTunes.

However, here's a couple mini clips of

The combo of the day

1.Idian swing
2.Water fall
3.Back bend
5.Basic swing
Gemini, into something, into mermaid, into um... "SWIPE", ha!

 *    *    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   *     *

So, here is my act

ual freestyle Friday video! 1 day late, but better late than never! Here we go...